Your family expects a lot from you which could irritate you. Your financial life will prosper today. Along with that, you can get rid of your debts or ongoing loans. Be cautious of friends and strangers alike. Your work will take a backseat- as you find comfort- pleasure and extreme ecstasy in the arms of your beloved. Natives who have a creative job can face various problems today. You can realize the importance of a job over creative work. Learn to use your time well. If you have free time, try to do something creative. It is not a good thing to waste time. In a regular married life, this day will act as a delicious dessert.
Lucky Number: 4″}]]
- First planeload of deportees from US lands in Amritsar
- Cops to mark silent zones, slap fines for honking around them
- Farmers protest smart meters, demand fixed power charges in Greater Noida
- No APAAR IDs yet, 1.3k schools in Ghaziabad, Noida get notices and a 10-day window
- Noida sees slight rise in AQI, but air ‘moderate’