Don’t waste your time in building castle in the air. Rather conserve your energy to do something meaningful. Not a very beneficial day- so check your money situation and limit your expenses. Children could make the day very hard for you. Use affection weapon to keep their interest and avoid any undue stress. Remember love begets love. Behave properly while going out with your mate. The day looks very smooth in the context of work. People of this zodiac sign need to stay away from alcohol or cigarettes today, because it can take up most of your time. If you didn’t ask your spouse before creating any plan today, you might get an adverse reaction.
Lucky Number: 1″}]]
- Parl panel allows Amritpal 54-day leave of absence from LS
- Eatala, his family meet PM Modi
- Search intensifies for missing workers in SLBC tunnel
- In Mandi town of Himachal Pradesh, father takes away phone from 17-year-old girl, she jumps off bridge
- In Punjab, tractor-trolley enters highway suddenly, bus crashes into it; 4 killed